Monthly Archives: May 2014

Not a Smartwatch. A Wrist Communicator.

The Rufus Cuff is beyond a wrist watch its a wrist communicator, and its one that would put William Shatner Starfleet wrist communicator to shame.  Its equipped with a 3 inch screen and more sensors and features than many modern phones.  Its also HUGE, just an inch smaller than an iPhone 5s but its beautifully shaped design has a minimalistic look when worn.  The Rufus Cuff will run full Android and comes equipped with built-in mic speaker and camera for running apps like Skype and WhatsApp.  It will also have full web browser capability, GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi capability for when youre smart phone is not reach you will be able to use Wi-Fi to check emails, messages, social media and more.  The Rufus Cuff is still a concept but it won’t be long before we can have the real thing.  Recently they surpassed their $200,000 goal on Indiegogo and preorders are filling fast.

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The Return of The Nike Air MAG?

Back in 2011 when I first heard Nike was going to make the Air Mag featured in Back To The Future I was beyond excited, but later finding out there would only be a run of 1,500 shoes and lacked Marty’s power laces left me with disappointment.  But Nike designer Tinker Hatfield said that is all going to change.  Tinker confirmed power laces are coming in 2015, although he did not say what Nike shoe would come with power laces.  If it was my guess, I would say another run of Marty McFly’s Air Mag just in time for him when he arrives on October 21st 2015.  tinker-hatfield-nike-mag MAGshoes lead-mag-1